Hi everybody! Welcome to the English blog of Aqua Alba school. In this blog, we want to show you the work the students do in the English class. I hope you like it! You can leave comments!!

Hola a tothom! Benvinguts al blog d'anglès de l'escola d'Aqua Alba. En aquest blog, volem mostrar-vos el treball que fan els alumnes a les classes d'anglès. Espero que us agradi!!Podeu deixar comentaris!

dimarts, 5 d’abril del 2011

Year 3 Gas Natural

In this moment we have finished the unit 4 The food. We have learnt vocabulary and structures to ask for food in a restaurant and how to express the food we like and we don't like. It's been really funny!!Look at the videos!!There's a dialogue between a waiter and some costumers and a two songs about food.

En aquest moment hem acabat la unitat 4 el menjar. Hem après vocabulari i estructures per demanar menjar a un restaurant i com expressar el menjar que ens agrada i el que no. Ha sigut molt divertit!!Mireu els vídeos!!Hi ha un diàleg entre un cambrer i alguns clients i dos cançons sobre menjar.

Delicius food/ menjar deliciós                                  I like food / M'agrada el menjar

Restaurant1                                                          Restaurant2

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