We are working on animals this month and they love it!They know the rabbit, the cat and the bird. They move and "talk" as the animals do. I made some magic. I took some animal flashcards out of the hat and they were guessing what animal it was. And they did it pretty well!!
Estem treballant els animals en aquest mes i els encanta! Saben els noms de conill, gat i ocell. Ells es mouen i fan el soroll que els animals fan. Vaig fer una mica de màgia. Vaig treure alguns dibuixos d'animals del barret i ells endevinàven quin era. I ho van fer bastant bé!!
Magic hat
In this activity they sat on a circle and I choose a child. He/she had to performance the animal I said and the rest guess it.
En aquesta activitat sèien en cercle i jo escollia un nen. El nen/a havía de simular l'animal que deia i la resta endevinar-ho.
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