Hi everybody! Welcome to the English blog of Aqua Alba school. In this blog, we want to show you the work the students do in the English class. I hope you like it! You can leave comments!!

Hola a tothom! Benvinguts al blog d'anglès de l'escola d'Aqua Alba. En aquest blog, volem mostrar-vos el treball que fan els alumnes a les classes d'anglès. Espero que us agradi!!Podeu deixar comentaris!

dimecres, 1 de juny del 2011

Year 3 The body

Along this month, we've been working on the parts of the body. We met a robot, Rodney and we learnt the parts of the body through some robot songs and games. Every child created a picture of a robot and here you have the results. Every child made a video explaining how their robot is like.

Al llarg d'aquest trimestre, hem estat treballant en les parts del cos. Hem conegut un robot, Rodney i hem après les parts del cos a través de cançons de robots i jocs. Cada nen va crear un dibuix sobre un robot aqui teniu els resultats. Cada nen va fer un video explicant com era el seu robot.

Bernat's robot

Clara's robot

Guillem's robot

Lara's robot

Josep's robot

Marina's robot

Robot game

Robot song

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